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The back is made up of several muscle groups as important as each other. We offer you here a collection of programs to forge a broad, muscular and solid back like a shell!
Width and thickness program
Training tips
When working the back, it is very important to make sure to always open the rib cage when the load comes close to the chest. In this way, the shoulder blades are brought together, which makes it possible to contract the dorsals and the rhomboids well. In back exercises, minimize the involvement of the biceps and forearms. Yes, you will still feel these muscles a little, but it is essential to target the back by mentally focusing 100% on this muscle group. In pull-ups and vertical pull-ups, almost exclusively adopt a wide grip because only these two exercises really activate the upper lats and expand the torso. Virtually all other movements, such as the various rows, involve the middle of the back and the lower part of the lats. The further apart the hands are, the more the effect of the exercise goes from bottom to top at the level of the back muscles.
As often as possible and preferably for each workout, adopt a unilateral mode of execution (one arm at a time) in your back session. The dumbbell row is a very good exercise, but you can also do horizontal one-arm pulling: just attach a simple handle to the end of the cable. Unilateral work is useful because it prevents the stronger side from overpowering the weaker, thus improving muscle development and symmetry. Change grips and accessories to diversify your workouts and the effect on the muscles. Even a small change in grip can affect the angle of movement and stimulate back muscle development. Don't neglect the lower back. Do lumbar extensions in addition to your back programs or your abs session.
Complete program for the whole back
From deadlifts to pull-ups, work your back muscles hard and build your lats with this foolproof program. You have surely read it millions of times, but we will never repeat it enough. Beginners will use an ultra light load and focus on form. Instead of focusing on the load, we will try to feel the concentration in the targeted muscles. This remark generally concerns more men than women (in fact, the latter often make the mistake of continuing to work lightly even if they have reached an advanced level). Everyone has to stay very picky about the quality of the execution.
Start your back session with the pull-ups on the horizontal bar because it is the most difficult of the five exercises. Finish with the deadlift, which will target the lower back a lot. It is necessary to maintain strength in the lower back throughout the workout in order to preserve the natural arch of the spine. It is therefore wise to only exercise this area at the end of the session.

Program for trapezius
This bodybuilding program will allow you to thicken your upper back and your trapezius muscles thanks to 3 exercises, including the shrugs with jump. This variation of the classic barbell shrug will allow you to work with power and perform heavier shrugs. You can also use this exercise to start your shoulder workout.
The shrug with jump
The jump shrug is an exercise favored by strength athletes to thicken the upper back and strengthen their relaxation. This exercise is not intended to optimize the volume of the traps, but rather to increase the speed of the rep, which will improve the development of power. Indeed, the more power you have, the more force you can generate with standard shrugs: in the long term, you will therefore gain more muscle. This exercise is not intended to replace shrugs: it will simply be practiced from time to time.
Hold the bar with your hands pronated, slightly more than shoulder-width apart. For added security, wrap your thumbs around the bar.
Stand with your feet slightly more than hip-width apart.
Arch your back, tuck your stomach in and keep your chest out.
Keep your head in a neutral position, gaze forward, and arms as straight as possible throughout the exercise.
Keeping your back arched, push your glutes back, bend your knees slightly, and lower the bar to the top of your knees.
Once the bar reaches the middle or lower thighs, tiptoe up explosively and, without lifting off the ground, shrug your shoulders to raise the load as high as possible.
Lower the bar by lowering your shoulders and bringing your heels back to the ground: as it returns to the starting position, bend your knees to accompany the descent. Do all your reps.
Keep your back slightly arched and your abs contracted throughout the exercise: this way, you will avoid traumatizing the lower back.
Do not make a maximum contraction at the top of the movement, but immediately return to the starting position.
Keep the bar close to the body. If you tend to go forward, the bar is too far in front of you: you will lose the benefits of the exercise and you risk injuring yourself.
To maintain tension in the upper back and trapezius muscles, and to minimize upper extremity muscle involvement, keep your arms as straight as possible at all times.