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Phase 2: Diet phase (at least 21 days)
Don't be afraid, you won't be hungry. The HCG (activating drops) will serve in your fat deposits and give you enough energy. If you don't feel great for the first few days , this is completely normal. Your body must first get used to this new situation and the toxins, which are now dissolved, have a lot to do with the fact that you don't feel very well.
Eat only what's on your shopping list.
Protein, 2 times a day (120 g, 2 times a day, in total 250 g/day maximum):
fish, white chicken meat (turkey), lean cottage cheese, eggs, tofu. The salad and all the vegetables that are indicated on the list can be eaten in large quantities. 2 small fruits from the list, morning and evening snacks) (. Take only one kind of protein, as well as one kind of fruit. In the evening, you can vary or eat the same as at lunch Take your vital substances and your HCG (activating drops) every day .
Absolutely avoid:
Fats, oil, butter: only use sparingly so the pan doesn't stick. Avoid high fat creams.
Carbohydrates, eg. ex. pasta, bread, rice.
Sugar, sweeteners: use stevia instead if needed.
The alcohol
Milk: a dash of skimmed milk in the coffee if necessary.
I mportant:
The reprogramming of the hypothalamus only occurs from 21 days, in combination with HCG (activation drops) and vital substances. It is not recommended to interrupt the diet during this period. After the 21 days, it doesn't matter that you have reached your new set value!
When you have finished the diet (21 days minimum), keep the food from the diet phase, and this for an additional 48 hours. Still take the supplements, but no more HCG (activating drops). This is IMPORTANT!
Weigh yourself after these two days and record your weight. This represents your new set point. That is to say the weight that you must keep for the next 3 weeks of your stabilization phase. More or less 1 kg. In 30 days of the diet phase, women as a rule lose 7 kg, men 14.