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Leeks, onions, broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, celery, all kinds of salads, spinach, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, capers, artichokes, peppers, cabbage, mushrooms. Can be consumed in large quantities. For phase 2 carrots, tomatoes and beans are prohibited.



P Ommes, pears, cherries, apricots, plums, kiwis, grapes, in small quantities!

For example: 2 kiwis or 1-2 small apples, or a few cherries or grapes.



Mutton, beef, minced, white meat of chicken and turkey, all lean (no more than 120 grams). For phase 2 only white meats are allowed.



Sea bream, bass, saithe, pangas, tuna (also canned but without water oil).

All seafood such as mussels, scampi, squid, octopus (no more than 120 grams).


Protein-rich products

Eggs, low-fat cream cheese, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt (1 egg = approximately 80 kcal, 1 low-fat yogurt = approximately 60 kcal) (no more than 120 grams) For phase 2, this is prohibited.


Absolutely forbidden!

Sugar, cakes, sweets. You can use stevia to sweeten!, Oil, fat, butter. Carbohydrates like pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, Alcohol.



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